Once an Advocate.....

Interrupting our regular scheduled program.
(Funny, most Road Rage memes blame everyone else for their mental illness)
Well what a day already and we aren't halfway through. When I saw this video, I knew it would blow up the cycling community. And did it ever. Everything I suspect you could expect. I've been an advocate for long enough to know that you can't control situations and that you try to let a little steam blow than tell everyone to relax. The internet is the ultimate to see loss of self control and incivility sometimes, well regularly.
The character in the video, and yes he seems like something straight out a cop/hero movie in the Eighties (even using some lines, "I'm your Huckleberry") , displays a rampage worthy of an aneurysm. Thinking he watched "A Few Good Men" WAY too many times or lots of drill sergeant clips. Sheesh! But this is a character we as cyclists have met on occasion(s) though maybe a bit of a waterdowned version. From having things thrown out you to the top of the list, fatal hit and run, it's hard to not let the emotions flow. Just not like the driver in the video please. There was talk that the company website on the front of the driver's shirt was brought down by a flurry of comments and other, say, information. I have not seen anything but if the internet has proven anything over the years, some people take things too far sometimes. I would hope that people would show more class and find a way to communicate in a way to create a positive outcome. So lay off folks. We made our point. There is another issue here, the rider lives in the area with his family and is REALLY worried about any retaliation. If he decides to press charges, he will be weighing that.
Now onto a bigger issue and why I took this on. The rider and I have known each other for 20 years and have had many discussions about bike/car conflicts. He knows, I know my stuff and that I know people. He didn't have luck when he took it to NBPD and that a work around was in order. Well I'm the work around. Knowing the right people in life always seems to have the greater outcome than even perseverance. Which is a shitty thing. I also have issue with the fact that some people have no advocate or a voice that catches many ears. What happens to them. You can see how organizations like Black Lives Matter get going and snowball, for better or worse (not getting in an argument about their stands and those against them, I bring this up because a disgruntled driver sent me a message of how I'm a "piece of shit like BLM as all you do is divide people"). The internet is a 2-way street and you can expect to get run over every now and then. Pun definitely intended. Along those lines I'm being handed all sorts of advice through the interactions linked to the video. From "you're going to be sued for slander" to the typical "you cyclists bring it on yourselves by breaking ALL the rules". Ugh if I got to hear that one more time. Some facts to bring up to these ignorant, entitled motorists: of the nearly 6 million collisions a year, only 34,000 involve bikes or peds. So you have a bigger issue with cars than bikes. Now FUCK OFF. Ahh, that always feels good.
There is also a few personal incidents that lead me to be a large voice in the vulnerable user community. In 1998, I was returning early from a lethargic training ride in of all places Newport Beach. As I made my way back to PCH from Bayside Dr. a car going way to fast decided to left turn without looking for large objects and I was in his way. I saw enough  to know I was in a bad position and decided to bunny hop on top of the hood. Almost cleared but my left ankle didn't clear and up I went landing on the windshield and through but not far enough to give the driver something special like a kiss. As he came to a stop I rolled off the hood thinking I must be dead and it really doesn't feel that bad. As I lay on the ground the car hits the gas, tires screeching and the wheels kiss the back of my helmet. Well my bike suffered a career ending injury while I came out with cuts and some skin that had a new glitter of glass that would last of few days, disco ball shoulder. The SOB's car was later found with my blood on it behind a bank on Dover with his girlfriend waiting for a windshield repair guy. REDHANDED and an slam dunk case, right? Not a chance. As time went on the NB DA decided, not a worthy career building case to pursue and no charges. Case closed.
Second incident, worse. I was working in OC while living in Banning (Boondocks for those that don't know). Talked to my wife before she went on a walk with our dog, typical but not for long. Thirty minutes later my phone rings again with a Riverside numb er I don't recognize but decided to answer, I have issues with being polite. but the lady on the other line wasn't selling anything, she told me my wife was hit by a pickup truck and, as a nurse, didn't look like she would make it. You can't even imagine the drive back. It was a blur as I tried to stay calm and contact her family and friends. Nothing comes close to that amount of helplessness and fear. Despite the early prognosis, She came through after 5 days in ICU due to head trauma. But guess what, no police report was to be had. The driver admitted to a witness that he fell asleep at the wheel but the officer decided that it was my wife's fault for walking the dog off leash, though it had nothing to do with the collision. We tried to be patient but finally I called in a favor from a high ranked LAPD official who informed Banning PD that it would be the "right thing to do". The next day we had report to make insurance claim. It was a long recovery that still keeps hold of my wife and her distrust of the 'system'. And I have my own thoughts expressed earlier.
Now where do we go from here? The waiting. First the rider has to press charges and then the DA has to follow through. Oh the waiting. I will try and keep folks informed in future posts along with FB. And I leave with this. Take care to not escalate things and hope that things work out. and most of all, DON'T let an injustice consume you. It takes your few days away and leaves a bitterness that is hard to recover from.
Peace and stay tuned for my new adventures starting Aug. 18th.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective.

  2. What ever happened to the guy in the video? Was he charged with a crime?

    1. It's still in the DA's hands. Not expecting anything more than a misdemeanor but police cited felony terror threat I believe

    2. It's still in the DA's hands. Not expecting anything more than a misdemeanor but police cited felony terror threat I believe


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